Kaom, 15 minutes challenges are just that : challenges ! Challenges that last ( or should they ? ) 15 minutes, to make them more challenging . The thing is to learn something in the process, and it's all we win ! :) Willf - well, this is a logical technique ! :) Mines's a brain teaser .At the end, what i got is not the best fork ever, but it's okay . If you want to reproduce it, here's a short tutorial : - Draw the shape of the first image in the VM . Add more vertices than needed because the mesh has to be deformed . The shape must be about 8 inches long . - extrude the shape three times : 0.1 in, 0.2 in, 0.1 in, creating 4 "cross-sections" . then select the two central cross-sections and offset their surface of 0.1 in . This is to make simple bevels . - Smooth all . Crease the silhouette of the top and bottom cross-sections . Triangulate now . - In the assemble room, add some bend deformers to curve the fork . This is the hard part because it's very uneasy to set right . I've used 3 deformers, playing a lot with the bending functions . - Once your deformers settings are good, go deform the mesh in the VM : note what settings you used for the first bend deformer in the assemble room, and reproduce these settings with the "deform" function of the VM . When it's done, delete your deformer in the assemble room . Repeat the process for the other deformers . Now you should have a fork ... If i didn't miss anything ;) litst litst.@freesbee.fr