Forum: Vue

Subject: Free: CloudPeeps

chippwalters opened this issue on Nov 07, 2009 · 27 posts

chippwalters posted Sun, 08 November 2009 at 6:31 PM

 Geez, ArtPearl, give it a rest. Can't someone provide a freebie to the community without you having to jump all over them?

For the record, I did contact eonite regarding this product back a few weeks ago when we decided to go separate ways.. My exact words were:

"FWIW, I will plan on tweaking and releasing the little bit I did documentation-wise (the single sphere cloudball) as a freebie by me only with some sort of explanation there would not be a CloudPak by us anytime soon.

Let me know if you have a problem with this, but, I suspect you wouldn't as you never really agreed with the technique and approach I was taking in the documentation.

Because of that, I'll be sure and position it as my thinking, unless you would allow me to give you credit for function stuff - all readily available in your Rendo tutes. I don't plan on putting anything more other than a single sphere cloud in the documentation and certainly would not include any metanodes nor descriptions or theories of your metanodes and how things work."

His response back:

"Hi Chipp,


Thats no problem for me. Treat it as your thing, dont mention me.




Cripes, what else more do you want? 

If you feel you must attack this project, please start your own thread.