HA! That is a good question, but I couldnt answer it, as I am in troubles every single day... or almost. It happens that I, while I finnish a 2D, deside to post it next day and I stick to it, or il get in troubles again, desiding what then to post.
Sometimes I look in the folder FULL of stuff I WANTED to post, but later had my doubts, that I would post after all, and I ask myself, what mood am I in today, and I try to follow my mood. THEN... sometimes I dont have a shot that fits my mood and I deside one, that I had great doubt would be a succes. OK, I say, lets get it over with. And the mirackle happens, that everybody loves it. DUH! Well that makes me doubt even more... just of all the shots I love. Does that make sence.... I doubt ![](../../mod/forumpro/art/emoticons/blink.gif) For your troubles reading this nonsens il give you this snapshot :)