I thought I'd post my variation on BB's tutorial scene using M4 with Standard Resolution textures and the soft lighting along with a version of the VSS pr2 material ball thingy, not the latest one. I used Poser Pro 2010 beta, which handles gamma correction and color space calculations in a more consistent, linear fashion; I had to adjust the VSS gamma setting to 1, the overall scene gamma to 2.2 and go through and set the various bump, displacement and specular maps to ignore the automatic gamma correcction PP2010b applies, I also lowered a variety of ray biases on lights and things to get rid of some artifacts, some of which really only show up at higher resolution. The VSS ball I used is one I've been modifying somewhat from VSS pr2. The biggest difference is a complete reworking of the eyes, mostly to better match in my own mind, at least, how light actually interacts with the surfaces modeled in M4. I'd appreciate any comments. Thanks.