Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue Clouds

eonite opened this issue on Nov 03, 2009 ยท 302 posts

eonite posted Fri, 02 April 2010 at 5:51 AM

**Note: Ignore the previous post.** **The correct steps are here**:

Now between the 1st Gaussian Tooth node and the Density output node, add a Blender node.
(which should be in Blend mode)

Next create a Constant node. Make certain it selected so you can do some edits. Set it to Constant Number, then set its value to 1.

Now, connect the Constant node to the 2nd input of the Blender node.

We want the blending to be controlled by the 2nd Gaussian Tooth node. A Blender node expects values between 0 and 1. Since the Gaussian Tooth node outputs values between -1 and 1 we first need to remap them.
Create a filter, then select as a filter type "Map", make certain its parameters are set to: Input Range: Lower value -1, Upper value 1/ Output Range: Lower Value 0, Upper value 1. This remaps the values from -1/1 to 0/1.
Now connect the output of this Map filter to the Ratio parameter of the Blender node.