Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue Clouds

eonite opened this issue on Nov 03, 2009 · 302 posts

eonite posted Fri, 02 April 2010 at 6:30 AM

Ok, so far we have 2 spheres which can be changed in size and position and which can be squeezed (or stretched) by using the Wavelength parameters of the Gaussian Tooth node.

You might now say:  With Metaclouds I can do the same and it`s more convenient to handle.
So why this extra effort to create spheres inside of a cloud layer?

Well, here are some of the differences:

  1. Using the cloud layer method you can squeeze/stretch each sphere separately
  2. Each sphere could be further treaded, for instance by using a Turbulence node which would deform the sphere shape.
  3. With cloud layers we have a Custom Cloud Layer Profile and we have a Uniform parameter,
    which lets us further modify our cloud.
  4. We can (by using a Rotation&Twist node) rotate each sphere (Makes sense when it`s stretched/squeezed).
  5. You can, with the blending method used in the previous step, achieve a perfectly smooth blending between spheres, while with Metaclouds you always have hard blending (sometimes it more, sometimes less visible).