Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue Clouds

eonite opened this issue on Nov 03, 2009 ยท 302 posts

eonite posted Fri, 02 April 2010 at 6:55 AM

In the previous step we have seen that we have reached the upper limit of the cloud layer, which has cut off parts of the shpae we created in the FE. Of course we could now decide to increase the thickness of the layer by increasing the Height parameter to maybe 4km.

But we will decrease the size of the spheres instead.

Go back to the FE. Make the following changes:

1st Gaussian Tooth node: Set Scale parameter to 3
2nd Gaussian Tooth node: Set Scale parameter to 4 (so it`s bigger than the 1st sphere)
Offset/Rotate/Scale Metanode: Offset Y parameter to 15 and Offset Z parameter to -1.

In the Main Camera Preview we now should something like on the picture.