Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue Clouds

eonite opened this issue on Nov 03, 2009 ยท 302 posts

eonite posted Fri, 02 April 2010 at 8:22 AM

Now make the following parameter changes:

Gaussian Tooth node: Scale: 7 / Wavelength Z: 0.3
Offset/Rotate/Scale Metanode: Offset Z: 3

Now leave the FE and play with the parameters. I suggest you increase the Feathers parameter and increase the Detail parameter also.

Well, that`s all for now. 😄

I hope this technique and the discussion has been useful. Of course it needs a lot of experimenting to get really good results. The picture above is just a quick example. I am certain the look could be further enhanced by using the right parameter settings in the FE, as well as in the Vue Cloud Editor.

Note:The height of the cumulus we created here does not correspond to the real altitude. The base should start at something around 1km.
But if you have understood the above tutorial it should be no problem to change that.

If you have questions just go ahead.