But how did you make the morph you are using? With Morphs++ or other DAZ morphs, or by tweaking the mesh directly? Your earlier commets sound as if you used the DAZ morph sets, and if that's true you aren't licensed to distribute the result as a new mesh-based morph - all you can share are the morph settings* which as I understand you've lost.
- In a pose - for a freebie made with standard morphs you don't really need to worry about making the morph injectable, so using Injection Pose Builder is not needed (if you do want to make an injection pose, there are freely downloadable library files to make it work with a pose or figure file exported from Poser or DS). In general you can't use CR2 files for sharing characters - those are for new figures you make yourself (though it shouldn't crash, even so). Both Poser and DS (through the free Poser Format Exporter script) can generate a suitable pose.