Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: No more gallery posts

Sambucus opened this issue on Apr 13, 2010 · 90 posts

JenX posted Tue, 13 April 2010 at 7:16 PM

 I really don't understand where you guys get these ideas, but, you have to seriously do a WHOLE mess of TOS violating to get banned.  
We do our best to actually work with people, and, the only time we stop is after you have.  If you're not willing to work with us, there's not a whole hell of a lot we can do.  
But, when you DO violate the TOS, regardless of who you are, we have a job to do.  You're not going to get a candy-coated letter asking you to pretty please be a good boy and you'll get a biscuit.  We spell it out, as much as we can, and let you know that if you have any questions PLEASE ASK THEM.   We don't ban people willy nilly.  If someone's been banned, they've earned it in one way or another, with a string of violations, not just one or two.

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Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.