Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue Clouds

eonite opened this issue on Nov 03, 2009 · 302 posts

eonite posted Fri, 16 April 2010 at 10:07 AM

No worries, Abraham. :-)

I have no intention to abandon you. As you can see from the last cloud render posts there are things on the way.

But I must also say that I have spent months just dealing with cloud functions, so I needed a little pause to gain some distance.
So in the recent weeks and month I spent some time learning about other aspects of Vue. I went through some terrain training material and explored some of the terrain and rock options.

Will be back on the Vue cloud project  and also hope that I can get a new set together soon.

Btw. I have grabbed a copy of Vue 8.5 and want to check out the new options and enhancements, especially what clouds are concerned. Great to hear that clouds are rendering much faster in Vue 8.5! 😄