almost all conforming hair props can be made into dynamic hair, however there are a few steps that need to be done.
what you will need :
A Conforming Hair figure or prop (duh)
Poser (double duh)
UVMapper Basic (or pro)
- set V4 into the zero pose
- conform/align hair prop with V4
- if required, use magnets to stop hair intersecting V4's body
- export hair to a single OBJ file
- open exported object in UVMAPPER
- select the TOP edges of all hair strips (you may need to do 6 and 7 in multiple stages)
- assign selected edges to a new group (call it constrain for example)
- save object out of UVMAPPER
- import UVMAPPER saved object back into poser, untick centre, place on floor and percent of figure size
- parent imported object to V4's head
- enter the cloth room, and set up a simulation
- click "Constrained Group" and add the group you created in UVMapper
- If the hair has a skullcap, add the SkullCap material (or group) to the Constrained Group
- Run Simulation
- Once you are happy with the settings, save it as a prop!
Each hair object will require some trial and error with the simulation settings.
The best conforming hair to turn into dynamic is ones made up of one wrap-around hair "strip" eg Diva Hair
Give me a moment and I'll do a few renders with some of the ones I have setup
3D Hobbyist since 1996
I use poser native units
167 Car Materials for Poser