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Poser Technical F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 04 2:47 am)

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Subject: Cr2 bone name?

xantor ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 10:53 AM · edited Thu, 19 December 2024 at 11:04 AM

Is there any way to find out the body part name for a bone in a cr2?

I have a figure that I made that I need to edit the eyes to work properly but the eyes internal names are bones names and I need to know which they are to be able to edit them properly.

markschum ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 11:08 AM

In a cr2 you will see a section for each body part.

actor bone_1:1
    name    bone_1
    bend 1

This is a part of the code for a body part,

you would need to check which name needs to change , and then ensudre that all references to it are changed.

xantor ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 11:15 AM

The actor names in the cr2 are correct, but in the cr2 it refers to the bone names and not the body parts.

lesbentley ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 3:43 PM · edited Mon, 14 June 2010 at 3:47 PM


You can see the internal (bone) name displayed in the parameters pallet when that actor is selected.

Or in the cr2, use a text editor's search function  to search for the the 'display name' the name that appears at the top of the parameters pallet when that actor is selected. The actor's internal (bone) name will be a couple of lines or so above that.

actor lEye:1
    name    LeftEye

lesbentley ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 4:08 PM · edited Mon, 14 June 2010 at 4:10 PM

For the geometry group (g) names,  the groups in the obj file, you will find them under the corresponding internal names, near the start of the cr2 (unless the file uses internal geometry).

actor hip:1
    storageOffset 0 0 0
    geomHandlerGeom 13 hip

xantor ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 4:15 PM

The group names and their internal names are all correct but the cr2 uses the bone names that I used originally.  I checked the object in a text editor and there are no bone groups(groups named bone).

This has happened in the past as well, I assumed that it always happened with every cr2.

lesbentley ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 4:28 PM · edited Mon, 14 June 2010 at 4:30 PM

Xantor, I'm not sure I follow what you are saying here. Did the above answers help?

Quote - I checked the object in a text editor and there are no bone groups(groups named bone).

That sounds strange. If there are no groups defined in the obj, then you would not be able to rotate or translate body parts separately, the whole thing would just move as a block, like a single object pp2. The only time I remember seeing that is in conforming hair or shoes, where 'bend' is sufficient to the purpose.

xantor ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 5:27 PM

The object does have groups but none of the names are bone, but the cr2 has names in it like bone 19 when it refers to body parts.

lesbentley ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 7:12 PM

Some how I think I am missing the point. What is the desired end result, and what is the impediment to achieving it?

xantor ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 8:04 PM

I dont know which bone numbers are which body parts, bone 19 could be an eye or a foot, if I dont know which is which then I can`t edit the cr2 properly.

markschum ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 11:10 PM · edited Mon, 14 June 2010 at 11:20 PM

can you copy and paste the part of the cr2 where a bone name is used ? 
or tell us where the bone name appears ?  I dont understand where you are having a problem. :(

If you open the Group Editor, and select a part name from the pulldown list , it should be shown in red on the figure. Just be careful you dont make or save changes.  The other way you can tell is to look at the hierarchy editor, from that you can make some guesses about what names go with what body part.

lesbentley ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 11:23 PM

You've got me confused. You want to know the internal names for the eyes, right? So, in Poser, you select an eye, you look in the properties tab of the parameters palette, you read the internal name (blue arrow in the image in my first post), you write it down on a piece of paper. The problem was to know the internal name, now you know the internal name. Problem solved, yes? The bone number will be the one written down on your piece of paper, is there some hole in my logic here?

xantor ( ) posted Mon, 14 June 2010 at 11:50 PM

  jointX bone_9_jointx
   name bone_9_jointx
   initValue 0
   hidden 1
   forceLimits 0
   min -100000
   max 100000
   trackingScale 1
    static  0
    k  0  0
   interpStyleLocked 0
   angles -45 -135 -225 45
   otherActor lEye:1

Lesbentley, the internal names are not the same as the bone names.

lesbentley ( ) posted Tue, 15 June 2010 at 1:36 AM · edited Tue, 15 June 2010 at 1:49 AM

Quote - Lesbentley, the internal names are not the same as the bone names.

Then I need to know what you mean by "bone names". What you showed in your last post is a joint parameter (JP) channel, the channel type is  "jointX", and the channel name is "bone_9_jointx". The "bone_9" part of the channel name shows that it relates  to an actor with the name "bone_9", and "bone_9" should be its 'otherActor'. You can always tell what other actor is implicated in a JP by looking at its 'otherActor' line.

In my view it is best to delete all the JPs from the eyes, and all the JPs from the head that have an eye as the 'otherActor'. Not everyone would agree with me on that though.

xantor ( ) posted Tue, 15 June 2010 at 9:30 AM

Thank you.

Why is the other actor the same thing?

JoEtzold ( ) posted Tue, 15 June 2010 at 9:56 PM

If you are rigging in Poser it is having a flaw with naming the correct internal names.
Often these are staying as BONE... in the joint parameters.

But in my experience all that stuff with the original internal BONE... named is not needed acording to the actual rigging. So mostly I prefer to go through the cr2 searching for "bone" and deleting all that stuff if the rigging is finished.

pjz99 ( ) posted Thu, 17 June 2010 at 1:18 PM

In cases where you are seeing "bone_19" or whatever, that is because whoever did the rig did not rename the bones to something meaningful.  Those names are 100% arbitrary and could have been anything the rigger set them to.  There is no way to guess what a given bone should be doing if the rigger didn't take the trouble to rename bones from their default names (bone1 bone2 bone3 etc).

My Freebies

xantor ( ) posted Thu, 17 June 2010 at 8:24 PM

I rigged it myself and I did name all the parts, the internal name for the left eye is lEye in the cr2 as can be seen in my post with part of the cr2, the external name for the part is left eye.

xantor ( ) posted Thu, 17 June 2010 at 8:24 PM

I rigged it myself and I did name all the parts, the internal name for the left eye is lEye in the cr2 as can be seen in my post with part of the cr2, the external name for the part is left eye.

pjz99 ( ) posted Fri, 18 June 2010 at 3:35 PM

Ah I understand what you were getting at now - you're right, a lot of parameter names do not match their actor name correctly for a rig done in Poser.  I agree that it's ugly but I don't see how it affects anything, I only see this on joint falloff parameter entries and on smoothScale entries.  Are you editing these by hand, and if so, what for?  I can't think of any situation where this really matters, certainly I didn't notice it even when rigging this guy (nudity).

My Freebies

xantor ( ) posted Fri, 18 June 2010 at 3:42 PM

I was editing the entries by hand to make the eyes work properly, without eye movement affecting the head.

pjz99 ( ) posted Fri, 18 June 2010 at 4:47 PM

Looking at how eyes are done for most other figures (everything but the G2 figures, it seems) the trick seems to be to just delete those entire blocks that define falloff zones.  jointX, jointY and twistZ entries.  I hadn't actually looked at how this was done before, there may be more to it than this.

My Freebies

xantor ( ) posted Fri, 18 June 2010 at 4:56 PM

I already did get the eyes to work properly.

pjz99 ( ) posted Fri, 18 June 2010 at 5:18 PM · edited Fri, 18 June 2010 at 5:26 PM

Hmm, I give up, what is the trick for eyes?  I can see a way if you add an intermediate bone or if you turn off bending for the head, but these aren't the way figures are commonly rigged.

The "official way" (although I don't see any figures that are rigged this way) is with an intermediate bone:

My Freebies

xantor ( ) posted Fri, 18 June 2010 at 6:24 PM
pjz99 ( ) posted Fri, 18 June 2010 at 7:18 PM · edited Fri, 18 June 2010 at 7:28 PM

Thanks, I've read a lot of Nerd3D's tutorials but not that one.
edit: ah I see what I was missing (delete the jointx, jointy and twistz channels from the head, for each eye, as well as in the eyes themselves).  I see the tutorial has something about supplying a * but deleting the channels entirely seems to be the way nearly everyone does this.  Thanks, I'll remember that :)

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