> Quote - Not sure I undetstand, you chaged overall colour of some species so all species have the same colour? If so, there is no way you can get the same colour for all leaves, what you are doing is mixing 2 different colours (red+yellow, greeb+yellow, for example), and it isn't possible to get the same orange by mixing these colours. It may work using a colour blend node, but you also need to remember that Vue plants have an embedded colour change, so an orange will never be the smlae from one plant to another.
But these 3 plants on attached image, are my custom start plants: they are green-yellow coloured not red coloured! (I have just used a green OverallColor)
- Is it a normal feature this big difference in the change of orange color? (as in previous rendered image)
- Cannot I change the embedded color change to green or yellow?
- Or I forgotten some parameters?
- Why "RuralMapleTree" is really green and instead, my YellowMapleTree changes to orange smooth?