Forum: Vue

Subject: SIGGRAPH 2010

alexcoppo opened this issue on Jul 25, 2010 · 33 posts

Abraham posted Sat, 07 August 2010 at 5:15 AM

thank you for the videos, very much appreciated :)

The relight panel looks interesting but there is one slider (or two) I would love them to add before the final release : one for the sky contribution and one for radiosity contribution (I I do understand the way it works internally, each light source is a layer and they are composited on the fly (additive mode) to allow for the relighting, so, my suggestion should be easily feasible. I know, if not it can also be done by rendering to exr and using a compositing software but why make things complicated when they can be easy :)

I will post the same message in the e-on forum in hope they find it worth implementing :)

Also very intrigued by the various "scale" gizmos in the viewports and the remeshing functionality (if it means, go crazy with your sculpting, press a button, you get a clean topology, then sounds nice.

Oh, and btw, not related, but nice presentation, I always enjoy seeing how the various "gurus" can be so humble when they talk :)