Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom
Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 19 11:01 am)
*Network rendering (a must have for people that doesn't have a very powerful PC but some not so powerful PCs)
*The Geographic Sun feature in Luxblend is a nice feature (you set world position, date and time)
*Light groups set up in the UI
*Some king of skin material? (I did some test with material mix but it became very tedious doing it every time)
or maybe a way to save some presets?
I'd like the ability to name & save the .lxs scene files & .pngs wherever I choose without having to text-edit the export file. Netherworks just posted a script to allow this but I'm not sure how to implement it myself.
lost in the wilderness
Poser 13, Poser11, Win7Pro 64, now with 24GB ram
ooh! i guess i can add my new render(only) machine! Win11, I7, RTX 3060 12GB
Quote - Ima, Luxrender already supports network rendering now.
Yes, I know, in Blender I set it up in the plugin GUI, just mentioned it because I don't se it in the AIR GUI, (and I know it's just for test) just in case it's been forgotten ;-) like the light groups feature
It's something I'd like to see in the GUI
Quote - > Quote - Ima, Luxrender already supports network rendering now.
Yes, I know, in Blender I set it up in the plugin GUI, just mentioned it because I don't se it in the AIR GUI, (and I know it's just for test) just in case it's been forgotten ;-) like the light groups feature
It's something I'd like to see in the GUI
It is in the GUI, in the Luxrender GUI there is a tab Network.
The exporter doesn't need to do anything special for network rendering.
Software: OS X 10.8 - Poser Pro 2012 SR2 - Luxrender 1.0RC3 -
Hardware: iMac - 3.06 GHz Core2Duo - 12 GB RAM - ATI Radeon HD
4670 - 256 MB
Well Tone mapping is in Lux GUI but it's in the AIR GUI too, but just forget It, it was just a simple wish maybe just I myselft find confortable with, this time I don't want somebody get mad with me just because I think I can't make myself clear.
Anyway Flenser thank you for the good intention on the suggestion :-)
I'd like to request a config export/save button in the GUI, that way we wouldn't have to keep re-doing the same favourite settings. And we'd even be able to share settings.
Software: OS X 10.8 - Poser Pro 2012 SR2 - Luxrender 1.0RC3 -
Hardware: iMac - 3.06 GHz Core2Duo - 12 GB RAM - ATI Radeon HD
4670 - 256 MB
Quote - I just tried it with poser 6 and it doesn`t work there.
It's a work in progress in the VERY early stages. Please read the wiki.
Edit: just a friendly reminder - wishlist items only in this thread please. I use this thread to add to the wishlist on the wiki. If you have questions about LuxPose, please visit the Lux Dev thread (it's a sticky thread) or the General Questions about LuxPose thread :o).
i have an important tip for LuxPose.
this is a screenshot of LuxBlend. do you see the word ''clay'' in the right bottom corner? this is an option that when you render every material is grey clay. so for example if your floor is like mirror and your wall is red and your table is glossy then when you render with clay every material will be the same.
this is fantastic for ligh test. it renders faster and you can see how the colors of light look.
Quote - That luxblend screen, a python menu similar to that would be good for luxpose so you can set all the details.
there is already a preliminary GUI and bagginsbill is working on an updated one. It'll have all that, or at least most of it and very probably a few things that LuxBlend doesn't ;o).
A serious wish, or should I say "requirement":
The possibility to subdivide mesh a lot. Lux has a bug qualified by jeanphi as "unfixable", concerning rogue shadowing of individual mesh polys. The only solution apparently being to subdivide mesh so the jaggies get smaller. This is brand new, after spending some time on it, jeanphi decided today he can't do anything about it...
I don't know to what extent LuxPose can do this, but if it is possible, that would sure help a lot with Poserdom content.
Full thread here (Lux forum).
Quote - you can not expect in 2010 that someoen will subdivide Michael 4 ( very heavy mesh) so that he gets a smooth surface.
Well, everything is relative. For some people M4 might be a Rolls Royce, for others it's just a quick & dirty sketch.
My point is, Poser scale (of mesh complexity and such) doesn't seem to command other app's requirements and needs. Maybe the naysayers are right and we aren't the navel of the world after all?...
Don't worry, we'll learn to live with it.
@ice-boy: Laurie asked to use one of the other threads for discussions and comments, and keep this one exclusively for stating wishes.
That said, I have a comment which I will state, because it leads to a couple of wishes/ideas. First of all, the exporter already supports automatic Catmull-Clark subdivision on export, so it's only a question of how the LuxPose GUI will expose this capability to the user. That's already covered in the wishlist as it appears on the wiki, by the way.
Wish #1: Many things that the exporter can do to enhance the quality of the exported mesh (computing vertex normals, subdividing, converting dynamic hair) take extra time, sometimes a lot of it. On top of that, there seems to be a similar speed-quality tradeoff in the render settings for Lux. Since we can't expect every user to understand all the little details, I think it would be very useful to have two or more presets of render and exporter options, say at least a draft and a 'final' mode. In final mode, all meshes might be subdivided twice, normals computed and hair converted into high-quality meshes. In draft mode, the mesh would be exported as-is, with just the minimal processing to make sure texture maps still work. There would be similar sets of options for Lux to go along with that.
Wish #2: This is a bit more ambitious, but it's been discussed in one of the Lux threads already. It might be useful to have some kind of "auto" mode in which the scene is analysed and settings picked for each object depending on it's properties and where it is in the scene. So for example foreground figures would get all the detail treatment for 'final' mode, but some dude in the background that will only be 10 pixels high in the final image wouldn't.
-- I'm not mad at you, just Westphalian.
Quote - > Quote - you can not expect in 2010 that someoen will subdivide Michael 4 ( very heavy mesh) so that he gets a smooth surface.
Well, everything is relative. For some people M4 might be a Rolls Royce, for others it's just a quick & dirty sketch.
My point is, Poser scale (of mesh complexity and such) doesn't seem to command other app's requirements and needs. Maybe the naysayers are right and we aren't the navel of the world after all?...
Don't worry, we'll learn to live with it.
M4 is a very very very dense mesh. its so dense because of all the morphs it needs to have.M4 is high poly almost like a movie production body asset. M4 has enough poly's for rendering. it is dense enough for ILM and WETA;
agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain its a Luxrender bug it has nothing to do with the exporter or Poser.
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LuxPose is a Poser plugin in development which will export Poser scenes to LuxRender to be rendered. It is still in the alpha stages, but the programmers would like to know what features potential users would like to have.
LuxRender is a free, unbiased render engine with realistic lighting.
Please post wishlist items ONLY! Not chit-chat please. Only things you'd like to see in the plugin and/or GUI.
Thanks :o).