Khai-J-Bach opened this issue on Aug 27, 2010 · 1684 posts
Synpainter posted Sat, 02 October 2010 at 8:23 AM
? for ADP...
Newest D/L version 1_30g, tyring the DOF and looking for the param "**lensradius"...
Not sure what to change, or do I need to add the copy that flenser posted:
** I don't think the exporter does DoF, you have to add DoF settings to the .lxs file, like so:**
Camera "perspective"
*** "float fov" [14.8586407274]***
*** "bool autofocus" ["false"]***
*** "float lensradius" [0.00625]***
*** "float focaldistance" [4.0]***
lensradius is dependant on the camera aperture setting, this is for an Fstop of 2.8, lower Fstop is larger radius.
focaldistance is distance in meters to the focal point.
autofocus must be false.
** **
This is the scene files as saved:
**# LuxRender scene file
# Exported by Poser-Lux-Exporter alpha 1.30e, on Sat Oct 2 09:15:16 2010
**# Global Settings **
Film "fleximage"
** "integer xresolution" [818]**
** "integer yresolution" [902]**
** "float cropwindow" [0 1 0 1]**
** "float gamma" [2.2]**
** "bool premultiplyalpha" ["false"]**
** "float colorspace_red" [0.63 0.34]**
** "float colorspace_green" [0.31 0.595]**
** "float colorspace_blue" [0.155 0.07]**
** "float colorspace_white" [0.314275 0.329411]**
** "integer writeinterval" [30]**
** "string filename" ["poserscene_alpha1.30e"]**
** "bool write_png" ["true"]**
** "string tonemapkernel" "linear"**
** "float linear_sensitivity" [200]**
** "float linear_exposure" [.033]**
** "float linear_fstop" [8]**
** "float linear_gamma" [1]**
# start Poser camera "Main Camera"
LookAt 0.0038477499038 0.267921000719 1.01999986172 0.0038477499038 0.267921000719 0.0199998617172 0.0 1.0 0.0
Camera "perspective" "float fov" [26.1033306842]
# end Poser camera "Main Camera"
Sampler "metropolis"
** "integer initsamples" [100000]**
** "integer maxconsecrejects" [512]**
** "float largemutationprob" [0.4]**
** "float micromutationprob" [0.0]**
** "float mutationrange" [53.75]**
** "bool usevariance" ["false"]**
SurfaceIntegrator "bidirectional"
** "integer eyedepth" [16]**
** "integer lightdepth" [16]**
Accelerator "kdtree"
** "integer intersectcost" [80]**
** "integer traversalcost" [1]**
** "float emptybonus" [0.5]**
** "integer maxprims" [1]**
** "integer maxdepth" [-1]**
PixelFilter "mitchell"
** "float xwidth" [2]**
** "float ywidth" [2]**
** "float B" [0.333333333333]**
** "float C" [0.333333333333]**
# The Scene
MakeNamedMaterial "default"
"string type" ["matte"]
"color Kd" [0.5 0.5 0.5] "float sigma" [0.543788]
Include "poserscene_alpha 1.30e.lxm"
Include "poserscene_alpha 1.30e.lxo"
Include "poserscene_alpha 1.30e.lxl"
**WorldEnd **
** **