Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Pose2Lux questions and answers...

LaurieA opened this issue on Mar 01, 2011 · 182 posts

RobynsVeil posted Mon, 07 March 2011 at 6:10 PM

Quote - The source code is not yet available, but I think ultimately it would be good for the project if it was.There are two reasons why it is not yet available. 1) My programming is embarrassingly bad. I'm a photographer, not a programmer, and it shows :-) When I compare my code to the stuff others are doing around here, people who know what they're doing, it's all very humbling. At the moment, I'd rather walk naked down the High Street than show anybody my coding efforts!

  1. I don't want this project to branch at an early stage. This happened with the LuxPose project and regardless of the merits of the different versions that were available, the split was detrimental to the success of the project. Keeping the source code to myself means I can keep this project on track until Pose2Lux is sufficiently well established that it can survive any possible branches.

So, if Pose2Lux becomes well enough established and I can overcome my embarrassment then yes, the source code will be made available.

Until then, I think it's best left the way it is.

I can sympathise with that. I wrote a VBA-based (Excel) material-management thingie for the department that I work at (post-op recovery) and whilst the thing is clean (in terms of it doesn't crash and does what it is supposed to) and seems to work pretty consistently, I'd hate for anyone to see the code. I'm a nurse, and learned VB just sort-of on the side, so my code is pretty ordinary.

That said, I've been using Pose2Lux pretty much every day, Snarly - really getting into it, and I have to say: good ON ya for pulling the sled to the finish line, getting the thing to a usable state, which indeed it is. Sure, there'll be issues, but at the moment, you can bask in the knowledge that you have quite a few users that appreciate what you've done. Enormously. 😄

And to the brilliant coders that did do the bulk of the code before-hand: it is a pleasure and an honour to enjoy the fruits of your hard labour on this. You've done exceedingly well! This is a great app in terms of facillitating Poser users to finally break free from the constraints of SM's choice in render engines.

I think one of the best by-products of this is that people are finally looking at materials differently, more critically. This is a good thing. No longer will we simply accept what is given us by a vendor: if you want to render in something other than Firefly, you'll be forced to re-evaluate scene materials, and gibberish workflow will be one of the first casualties.

YAY! :woot:

Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2

Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand] 

Metaphor of Chooks