Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Hi! DAZ 3D wants to chat.

DAZ_Rand opened this issue on Dec 09, 2011 · 1133 posts

blondie9999 posted Sun, 18 December 2011 at 9:41 AM

Quote - e, Poser users, do NOT want Studio to know anything.
We, Poser users,  do not want Studio at all.

There's a very simple solution to that:  Don't download it or use it.

Quote - Let me try to sum it up in very clear and simple words.

POSER users want V5, stand alone and fully working,  in a ZIP file.

Nothing more, nothing less.

How many times does it need to be said?  There IS no "V5," not in the sense of a separate, stand-alone figure like V4.  V5 is a morph of Genesis.  Genesis does not work in Poser because it uses totally different file formats, a totally different rigging and weight-mapping system, subdivision, and so on.

Yes, DAZ could cobble up a V5 figure using the Poser system, but it wouldn't have the functionality that the DS V5 (which is a morph of Genesis) has, it wouldn't be able to wear the same clothing unless that clothing were also "converted" to the Poser system... in other words, it wouldn't be V5; it would merely be a severely limited knock-off of V5.

The ONLY way that V5 could work in Poser would be if Poser could read DS files, use the same rigging and weight-mapping system that DS uses, and so on.  Since DAZ does not own Poser, it cannot modify Poser to do that.  The only entity that can modify Poser is Smith Micro.  If you want V5 (i.e., Genesis) to work in Poser, then ask Smith Micro to modify Poser, instead of yelling at DAZ to do something it cannot do.

Quote - Please be honest, and respect your customers.

If you want "respect," display it yourself.  Making the same unreasonable demand over and over and over-- after it has been explained, again and again, why that demand cannot be met--  is not showing "respect."  It is acting like a spoiled two-year-old who thinks the world revolves around him and should instantly obey his every demand, no matter how unreasonable or impossible that demand may be. 

Confronted with a tantrum-throwing two-year-old, a wise adult simply ignores him until he finally realizes that (a) his screaming is achieving nothing, and (b) the world does not revolve around hm and is not obligated to cater to his unreasonable demands.

Quote - While I do admire you coming here, and I like open comunication, please realise no body likes to be forced in a corner they did not choose.

No one is forcing you into a corner.  Ne one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to do something you don't want to do.  If you don't want to use DS4, fine-- no one is forcing you to.

However, if you want the functionality of DS4, then you have to use DS4.  There's nothing unreasonable ahout that.

Consider Corel's WordPerfect and Microsoft's Word.  Yes, the two programs are "similar," in that they are both word-processing programs-- but they are also different, both in the way they work and in the specific functions and features they have.

If I want to avail myself of the functions and features that are specific to Word, then I have to use Word.  Period.  That's just the way it is.  How far would I get if, instead of just using Word, I spent my time screaming at Microsift because WordPerfect didn't have exactly the same functions and features as Word?

Answer:  not very.  Since Microsoft doesn't own WordPerfect, it cannot alter WordPerfect to function the same as Word-- and all I would achieve by screaming about it to Microsoft would be to make myself look like an unreasoable jerk.

The same applies here.  If you want to avail yourself of the features and functions specific to DS4-- including Genesis and its V5 morph-- then you have to use DS4. If you want Poser to be able to use Genesis and its V5 morph (or any of its other morphs), then you need to ask Smith Micro to add that functionality to Poser. 

The bottom line is very simple:  the two programs have diverged.  Genesis won't work in Poser, and Poser figures made with Poser's new rigging and weight-mapping system won't work in DS. 

Now, it may be that the two programs will eventually converge again, but that hasn't happened yet.  Maybe it will happen, and maybe it won't.  But screaming at DAZ about something over which it has NO control at all is not going to make that happen.