Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Hi! DAZ 3D wants to chat.

DAZ_Rand opened this issue on Dec 09, 2011 · 1133 posts

ssgbryan posted Sun, 18 December 2011 at 12:10 PM

Quote - If you want "respect," display it yourself.  Making the same unreasonable demand over and over and over-- after it has been explained, again and again, why that demand cannot be met--  is not showing "respect."  It is acting like a spoiled two-year-old who thinks the world revolves around him and should instantly obey his every demand, no matter how unreasonable or impossible that demand may be. 

Confronted with a tantrum-throwing two-year-old, a wise adult simply ignores him until he finally realizes that (a) his screaming is achieving nothing, and (b) the world does not revolve around hm and is not obligated to cater to his unreasonable demands.

Quote - While I do admire you coming here, and I like open comunication, please realise no body likes to be forced in a corner they did not choose.

No one is forcing you into a corner.  Ne one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to do something you don't want to do.  If you don't want to use DS4, fine-- no one is forcing you to.

However, if you want the functionality of DS4, then you have to use DS4.  There's nothing unreasonable ahout that.


Hi Blondie!

I take it that you ran out of people to shout down on the DAZ boards & decided to take your show on the road.  Your little screed is exactly what we were talking about earlier.

Since you seemed to have missed it, this is DAZ talking to POSER users.  We are explaining to a DAZ representative, who was kind enough to take time out of his day, to come here & address POSER users about where DAZ is going and make suggestions to how POSER users could continue to view DAZ as a valued resource, as opposed to the great satan.

By and large, the Poser users here have spent a great deal of money on DAZ content & we are trying to address our concerns to DAZ.  We want to continue to give money to DAZ so that even rude DAZ PAs such as yourself can still get a piece of that action.

In an earlier post in this thread when I was talking about DAZ vendors needed customer service training, I was talking about YOU.  Thank you for showing up & not letting me down.  Your hostility to Poser users in general is why not only do I no longer purchase your products (as fine as they are), I have actually gone to the trouble of deleting every product you have ever made from my runtimes.

As a DAZ PA, coming onto a POSER forum, and then to a POSER thread to tell POSER users to sit down & shut up is a bit much.  We got it, you think that DAZ poops rainbows.  Some of us don't.  We like DAZ content (not DS4).  We are addressing our concerns to a DAZ rep, not some DAZ fanboi.

Asking DAZ to rethink some of their policies, isn't an unreasonable demand.  It is a way of addressing the positive feedback loop that has been developing on the DAZ boards.

As a final note, Poser users don't seem to view Genesis as "functionality", We seem to view it as a figure.  As does DAZ apparently, seeing as there is a Victoria 5 section in the DAZ store.

And as far as I am concerned, Genesis is a solution in search of a problem.  I am more concerned about the "app store" for content.  Based on DAZ's apparent inability to code, I don't like how an app store would be tied to a product I have no interest in.  Of course, if the next version of DS is better than Poser 2012, then I might have to reconsider; but right now, it isn't even a contest.