I agree with JohnDoe641. There are many advantages of exporting as a collection of still images; and then using standard Video editing software to create the final movie. Here are some reasons:
- If Poser crashes whilst creating the movie, the entire process must be repeated.
- If Poser creates a series of images, then the User can examine the output whilst the job is running and cancel it and re-start it - without having to redo the same frames.
- In standard video editing software is becomes easy to add titles/credits/copyright notices, create pleasant transitions between scenes; and add effects which cannot be done in Poser.
- It becomes easier to generate movies of smaller sizes. For example, the large format movie (your 1920*1080) may be suitable for your monitor; but with video software it would be very easy to create a version suitable for YouTube or small devices. Afterall, a Phone user might not want a 300Mb movie on their small screen. After I create my initial hi def image files, I use Adobe Premiere to generate all the required sizes.