The following people are members of the development team. They have worked many long hours and have given much of their time and talents to bring this excellent figure to all of the Poser public.They have been true champs throughout. Thank you Poser Place team.
- Amethyst.......................Beta team and promo renders.
- Bagoas..........................Beta team and composition consultant
- Begmysweet..................Beta team and promo renders
- Bevans84.......................Beta team and promo renders.
- CageDrei........................Beta team, python script development, project design and awesome bug fixer.
- Eric Walters...................Beta team and promo renders.
- Generalnutt.....................Beta team and promo renders.
- Glitterati3D.....................Beta team, clothing development, and promo renders.
- KittyBrown......................Beta team.
- LadyRaine......................Beta team and promo renders.
- Lkendall..........................Beta team
- Nephanor........................Beta team
- Paganeagle2001.............Beta team and promo renders.
- Phantom3D.....................Rigging and weight mapping.
- Robynsveil......................Project manager, shader development and promo renders.
- RHatch...........................Beta team.
- Rose2000........................Beta team, promo renders and bug fixer
- ShvrDavid........................Beta team, pose development, and promo renders.
- Vestmann.......................Beta team and promo renders.
- WandW..........................Beta team.
Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap.
Renderosity forum reply notifications are wonky. If I read a follow-up in a thread, but I don't myself reply, then notifications no longer happen AT ALL on that thread. So if I seem to be ignoring a question, that's why. (Updated September 23, 2019)