Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: No more Vickys for Poser.Who's making meshes for poser now ?

RorrKonn opened this issue on Feb 11, 2012 · 62 posts

wimvdb posted Thu, 16 February 2012 at 5:45 PM

Quote - > Quote - I am a long time Poser user who uses all aspects of the program and not a drag, drop and render type which you seem to be referring to.


not at all, I guess I am just more open to learning new things to improve my workflow and final output. For the record I have 3 versions of poser installed with lots invested also, and use many features of the software (I love poser dynamic cloth, but find the dynamic  cloth in DS to drape much nicer) althoughI personally dislike the library palette in poser 2012.

Also for the record, with the free DS4 pro, you can bypass the autofit tool and fit clothes with the morphs using the transfer utility, works very well.


was just trying to pint out any difference to your mind set in your earlier post that there are positive alternatives to your experience with DS.

And I was trying to point out that it takes a lot of work to learn a new program just to use a new figure

Learning is not the problem: Time is. Is it worth the time to learn a new program to use a new figure which you cannot use anywhere else?

My answer is clear - I rather spend my time at something more useful. You and some other people have a different opinion which is perfectly fine