Forum: Vue

Subject: Help, a complete Vue newbie in trouble here...

Aisuru opened this issue on Feb 26, 2012 · 29 posts

Aisuru posted Thu, 01 March 2012 at 4:57 AM

Guys, thank you soooo much - I'm overwhelmed with all the fantastic info and help you've given - allow me to give you a huge virtual hug (I think my pathetic power supply can handle it :)

Shawn, I'm not even hopeless when it comes to anything more complex than changing the light-bulb - I am beyond hopeless, so I'm afraid my best answer to some of the questions would be a confused, blank stare. But - there are few I think I can answer, so here it is:

I do have two 'C'drives (I mean, they are not both 'C' at the same time, but they both have OS on them), one D drive (my DVD reader/writer), and all my runtimes are on a portable 320GB drive plugged in the computer's USB port. I often charge my Iphone through the computer's USB, too , or have it run in my iTunes at full blast while I work.I don't think there's a modem card or anything like that in it, I'm not sure about SCSI or network thingy

Until I saw the light - literally - and started lusting after Vue, all my renders were done mostly n DAZ, and the computer seemed to cope with it.

As for the PSU shopping, I was suggested a few that are within my skinny budget (when buying online they seem to be  bit cheaper) and come with decent reviews, 80+ certifications and enough power to allow for the upgrades in the future. It hasn't occured to me to take my PSU to the shop (yup - I'm a muppet 😊), I'm dreading the experience of pulling the stuff apart.

:) As the contents of my piggy-bank are distinctly on a slim side, I think it will be Frontier first  - and then the lottery win, and then...:dreamy-eyed:

Oh, don't worry, Melikia - I'll be keeping you all posted with what happens next. And :fingers and toes crossed: I'll proudly post my first render in the galleries here when I get the things working - and it will be Vue.

Oh, yes. I saw the light ^_^.