Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: Done with DAZ

manleystanley opened this issue on May 19, 2012 · 119 posts

IanzThingz posted Wed, 23 May 2012 at 4:48 AM

Quote - I know the following statement is fact,  because my dog told me.


Apparently for years now Daz have been tirelessly working towards destroying their own website infrastructure in an effort to lose infinite amounts of cash, credibility and the respect loyal Daz customers. The Daz hierarchy have reportedly been conspiring to inject viruses and malware into all their exe.files in a concentrated effort to attain customer’s personal data which they could then programme into a purpose built mainframe computer. This information would allow them to pinpoint each members domicile and using their latest technology, a “laser guided memory extraction JavaScript tabulator”, would give them full mind control of around one million people.

For years, governments agents from around the world have been monitoring the Daz situation, but until recently never found any conclusive evidence of wrongdoing.

However, in an Animal Research Laboratory located somewhere in South Wales an undercover agent discovered that sheep were being implanted with a sinister zip.file virus.  Yet, again another Daz master plan!!  It has been reported that as soon as one of these sheep came into contact with a Daz member the virus would activate automatically and infected spores would be released into the air via the sheep’s backside. The victims would then unknowingly inhale the spores and thus become infected themselves. Victims are completely oblivious to the fact they carry the virus, It only becomes transparent that something is seriously wrong when they try to start-up Daz software……..It crashes, content goes missing and plug-ins will not work, etc, etc.  The after effects of the virus are even more terrifying, victims have been known to enter forums and randomly denounce Daz as being incompetent and uncaring……..all, just as the Daz3D company had planned!


I also have solid proof that a large rocket ship [built by Daz3D] will be launched from somewhere in Utah and its destination will be Mars. They intend to colonize the planets spreading chaos and devastation in their wake!!!


If I hear anymore I will be sure to update you guys.


LOL!! Best post of the day, thank you so much :)