Forum: Bryce

Subject: O.T. Prometheus

tom271 opened this issue on Jun 05, 2012 ยท 31 posts

AgentSmith posted Wed, 06 June 2012 at 1:53 AM

I canNOT wait to see this movie!

All these years since Alien and Blade Runner I've been waiting for Ridley to come back to the sci-fi genre but I never expected him to actually come back into the world and mythology of Alien itself! Ridley doing Prometheus is just gonzo insanity since it was the original Alien and Blade Runner that has created such a standard and reference for all other sci-fi films to reach out to, for the past 30+ years.

And, now that Ridley has announced he will also be making not only a Prometheus 2 but also a Blade Runner 2...well, this has just got me in sci-fi/film geek nirvana!


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