Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Helping Poser Newbies

basicwiz opened this issue on Apr 23, 2012 · 560 posts

Kinder-1 posted Fri, 28 September 2012 at 2:13 PM

Hi I'm a very new newbie- only had Poser for 2 days. I'm on a 64 bit computer. I've downloaded V4 and morphs and A4 and after some difficulty I think I've extracted all the Poser PC files - I make it 10. I have installed these into the runtime directories but when I load V4 I get an anaemic spiderwoman! ie no skin and no bikini. I guess I've mucked up somewhere along the way. Should I uninstall and start again or is ther something simple that I've not done that some veteran user can spot. I've tried to follow Sveva's tutorial ie installing separately into the different runtime departments.  Any ideas folks?