Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Magnifying Glass - How to strengthen or invert the effect?

monkeycloud opened this issue on Jan 21, 2013 · 66 posts

monkeycloud posted Mon, 21 January 2013 at 6:55 PM

Quote - Okay, on the chromatic aberration front... 

...I've got renders running in both Poser and Vue currently so I can't test it... but here's my starter idea for simulating chromatic aberration in a single shader.

Will this fly, do you think? ;-)

EDIT: whoops, changed the math_function nodes to color_math ones...

Ha! Well, from the prelimary test render, that seemed to work! :)

The difference between IORs in the three refract nodes needs to be a fair bit less though... the RGB offset was too much... but those values at least showed that it (appears, so far) to work.

I can try making some more test renders that I can share, tomorrow or so...