Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Eeww...What happened to the Forum?

WandW opened this issue on Feb 21, 2013 · 352 posts

RorrKonn posted Fri, 01 March 2013 at 10:30 PM

Even if the Language tag has been clicked 1001 times.
You would need to click it again for each and ever post that you cuss in.

Some site do not have any tags so every thing has to be rated G.

I have a PC with Windows Vista IE9 on it.
Renderosity works on IE9
If you have a OS that runs Poser Pro 12
Then you have a OS that will run IE9

We need to remember This is Renderosity site  ,not are site.
Renderosity has the right to do what ever they what to do with there site.
Including throwing anyone they want off there site.

Probably be best if we all acted professional.


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