Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: OT- Photoshop to go cloud only

ypvs opened this issue on May 07, 2013 · 106 posts

Cheers posted Wed, 08 May 2013 at 4:28 PM

Quote - I see people say that they would  rather trust themselves with their own data, and rightly so, but how many of those same people make regular backups of their data and store it in a totally seperate location. God forbid, but if your house went up in flames, or your computer stolen, would your data be safe? For many, I bet not. The concern is touching, but I'm not charmed by this trend to force people into the cloud, even if it's "for their own good."

Do you or your family use Facebook? Facebook and  Facebook's use of personal data offends me more than any government agency, or Adobe's new licensing system. How many times has the horse bolted on Facebook's use of data, before the gate has begrudgingly (sp) been closed! Yet, I'm astounded at the amount of info, personal info, people are willing to give to Facebook and the world in general. Facebook must be one of the worlds largest clouds of personal info, ever....even bigger than that government HDD collecting all that Text, e-mail and phone call data :P
Yet people will carry on using it (Facebook) giving all kinds of info, without batting an eyelid, but kick up a stink at a new licensing system.

People need to realise "cloud" is a buzz word - in Adobe's case its a licensing server (nothing new there, license servers have been around for decades). When I re-download a purchase from Apple, they are telling me I'm downloading from the "Cloud" I'm effing not! It's the same storage server I've been downloading from for the past decade ffs!

(Scenario) Hey, SM could say you have to download the new Poser from their Cloud of data. That "Cloud" of data will hold all your purchase history and a record of all the data you have downloaded from them from SM and  CP. "OMG! SM are using my data IN...A......CLOUD!! How dare they!!!" Ermm, what I just described is exactly what SM do now via their web server...

Clouds have been around, nearly as long as the internet...they just wasn't called "clouds". "Clouds" aren't a new invention, it's just a buzz word to encompass different kinds of storage.


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--------------- A life?! Cool!! Where do I download one of those?---------------