Here is my (heavily postworked) image of Dawn. For some reason her eyelashes didn’t render and I painted them on in Photoshop. I made new transmaps for the lashes which work fine though. So far I like her hands better than V4 and her face is prettier right out of the box. But I'm getting really frustrated with the lack of morphs and I have sooooo much V4 content, not sure how much I want to invest in her. The eye controls (as someone else mentioned) are terrible and I had to extend the limits and there needs to be a morph to increase iris size. If someone did a really good morph set for a REALLY good price (similar to V4 Morphs ++) and some super cheap clothes for her, I could see investing more time with her. I'm rendering a new image now, but because of lack of morphs, it still looks like the same girl...
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