Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: (OT) Hi Everyone! (update)

Acadia opened this issue on Sep 01, 2013 · 17 posts

saibabameuk posted Sun, 01 September 2013 at 3:28 AM

Attached Link:

> Quote - Hi everyone! > I'm still around; alive and kicking. some oil painting and piano classes. I've been putting off taking some fun classes for far too long and decided that this year was the year to start.  Other things I want to take are:Just wanting to say hi to all of my friends. I stop into Chat from time-to-time, but since I stopped using Poser, I haven't been posting to the forums, but I do read them occasionally.

Nice to here from you one of your old chumbs Ben is telling artits how to oil paint, why don't you go and see him. The Pandhari Bhajan group