Forum: Complaint & Debate

Subject: To All Merchants!!!!

Virus opened this issue on Sep 21, 2001 ยท 221 posts

Mehndi posted Sun, 23 September 2001 at 12:44 AM

In answer to the last few posts from Questors on downwards :) Questor, if our goal was to form a new site that competes with the existing sites, I could understand your fears and worries. That is not our goal. Our goal is to form a body of people from all existing communities who share a strong belief and committment to quality levels in all they do :) Indeed, there are existing tutorials out there. I have learned so much from them, and will forever feel gratitude for the time others took to write them. The only problem I have with the current way tutorials and other knowledge shared is handled is it is spread all over the place throughout many seperate tutorials, and seperate sites, and so is rather hard to find and use. Our idea is a bit more comprehensive than that, as you will see once we manage to get a small demo made that I think Dmentia and I will turn our hands to over the next little while. Also it is to be noted, that I will plan to compile pdf versions of the work and place on the various sites. This is not therefore an effort to not use existing sites or draw folks away from those sites. Something to consider, is that we who are speaking, are speaking of our own knowledge that we have, which we have not shared. I have my own style, and some of my own tricks I have developed over time when I craft my work that has never been shared with a soul. It is "proprietary trade secrets", and I have viciously guarded my knowledge of how I do most of it, since frankly I need the money I make from my work to support my son. Dmentia and Thorne also have their own trade secret tricks that have never yet seen publication. So when we were talking amongst ourselves at our own frustration with the quality of work we see, at a certain point we came to the sudden realization that people might not be able to do better unless we ourselves stopped whining about how bad this looked to us, and tried to document what we know, and get others to work with us to document some of their best tricks and techniques, and out and out show people how to do better work. So, I hope that you all see. Our aim is to create something new. Not a new community, but a guild within the community. A guild focussed on Quality concerns, and since one cannot in good conscience judge quality without being willing to reach out and at least try to help folks learn to do better if they are willing to learn, it is also focussed there right now too. As to being willing to review work done by those who do not sell, and instead like to place work in free stuff, why would we ever wish to turn those people away? They are amongst our most noble in the community. If they want their work "kid tested and mother approved" why I'd sit up nights and lose sleep myself to do it for them. I applaud the free stuff artists, they are my heroes, and the heroes of the community, and no one should ever think to want to say they cannot have their things tested if they wished it, and wished to be in the guild with us :) One last note. When one worries about folks who have in the past placed things in free stuff to compete against someone doing a bad job and selling the bad job in a store, you are worrying about ANCIENT history, things that are NOT a guild goal, but were being done before Auntie Mehndi with the Big Stick came along to ride herd on the wee eager band of adventurous and energetic and passionate vigilantes I discovered one day, and harness that passion and power into something good. Forget acts of passion and focus on organized thoughtful efforts.