Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Dawn's Impact on the Poserverse.

EClark1894 opened this issue on Oct 19, 2013 · 489 posts

RawArt posted Mon, 04 November 2013 at 5:32 AM

The argument wasn't abotu which app is better. We all know that type of thing never ends well.

The comment I was making was simply addressing the dis-information that is being put out about how daz doesnt care about poser users and it is their evil plan to alienate them. When the opposite is true.

DAZ is simply a company that relies on making and selling content.

To keep the company alive, they have to make sure the content they sell is up to current industry/custome expectations. They do not have the luxury of a software company that can keep the software at a certian level and throw a few simple gimicks in and call it a new version and have a market for sales. That doesnt work with content.

Stuff with V4 level tech has been in the marketplace for what...six or seven years or so?
It is safe to say the marketplace is saturated with products for her. How many lara croft outfits do we need? So to keep the market alive they had to adapt new tech to the figures.  They built what people were asking for. We now have figures that can morph into almost any shape and size and still bend and follow poses like they were made for it. They can have clothes that adapt to all the different shapes almost seamlessly and dont require the content maker to pick and choose which morphs they want to include. Heck, they even made it so that if people wanted to, older generation textures and clothes could work with the newer figures (at least in G1).
So they were giving the market what they asked for..and people did take to it. The new users coming in are finding things alot easier than when we old timers started. I know I remember when we had to apply each texture by hand and didn not have mat files to instantly apply them.

But unfortunatly to develop these advancments that the customers were asking, they needed the software to be able to handle it, so they developed the tech and were even working with SM to try to incorporate it. But they can only do so much, so when that didnt seem to work, they made the dson system, so that poser users could at least have the options of getting some of the advancments they were working on.

We can all agree that poser does need a more advanced figure that can work natively in the program. I know I would love to see it.
Dawn has the potential to be as advanced as being possible with what poser can do, but it can only go so far until the software develops to the point to handle higher tech figures. So that i where the content creation side falls short again. SM is not a content making company, so they dont have as much of a vested interest in content advances. Their customers buy their software, and as long as they keep buying the software, then for them the content must seem like it is still good enough. So not a big issue.

So yeah...there is a gap between the apps. But you cannot really blame one side or the other for it...they each are simply looking after their own interests and future growth. The best we can really hope for are the occasional plug-ins that may bridge some of the differences, but to hope for full comaptibility between the two programs is going to simply impossible.
So it is simply up to the customers to decide what they want from their programs and what they want from their figures and decide for themselves what is more important in the end to make their art.