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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 24 11:54 pm)

Subject: Can I trick Poser into reloading all geometry in my scene?

DreamlandModels ( ) posted Sun, 15 December 2013 at 3:09 PM · edited Wed, 26 February 2025 at 8:09 PM

I build these Movie Set City Blocks and a problem I have with Poser is once a whole bunch of .obj files have been imported that is the order Poser remembers even if I move things in the order that I want.

I am working on Block 18 and it contains 14 individual homes in the set.

While working if I discover and error in modeling or in textureing I have to re-import all the .obj files that again to maintain the order that I want in the hierarchy.

Example: Just found a small error in Home04 and want to have Poser recognize that I replaced the .obj from Max in the geometry folder. Other wise I have to go back and delete Home05 - Home14 and then import them all one more time just to be able to keep the order in the hierarchy editor.

Is there a script that I can run or something to get Poser to look for the geometry again and keep my order?

Hope this question makes sense.


Hana-Hanabi ( ) posted Sun, 15 December 2013 at 3:11 PM

Save the scene, close Poser out completely, replace the obj, and then reopen Poser, maybe?

花 | 美 | 花美 | 花火 
...It's a pun. 

DreamlandModels ( ) posted Sun, 15 December 2013 at 3:14 PM

Already what I have done. Even deleted the temp folder that Poser stores while working.


PhilC ( ) posted Sun, 15 December 2013 at 4:15 PM

When you import the OBJ file then either save the scene or save the prop to the library, Poser saves the geometry data within the PZ3 or PP2 file. Reloading the scene or library prop will not reference the original geometry, Poser simply reads the data from within the file. Which is why currently you need to delete the prop to effect any changes.

Suggest geometry stripping:-

  • Import the OBJ files in the order that you require.
  • Save the PZ3 or PP2 file.
  • Use PZ3editor, (I believe you have a copy or other similar utilites exist), to extract the geometry from the file.
  • Save and continue in Poser with the stripped file.

You'll still need to save and restart Poser to recognize changes to the geometry but the file will now be referencing the remote geometry rather than any internal data.

DreamlandModels ( ) posted Sun, 15 December 2013 at 5:35 PM


I will give that a try.

You are  brilliant!

So any changes after I strip the geometry, Poser will have to read the .pp2 every time I open the scene after a restart of Poser?

I ask because if I see a need for changes on another building, all I have to do is overwrite the referenced .obj?

I will go that route from now on, if that is the case. Similar to when I rework the .obj on one of my cars that are .cr2 files.

Thanks for the help Phil, you still are the man!:-)


EnglishBob ( ) posted Mon, 16 December 2013 at 4:39 AM

If your concern is the order in which things appear in the hierarchy, you can change that by dragging stuff around in the hierarchy editor window. There's no need to reload everything.

Phil's advice about external geometry is excellent, of course, and you should follow that too. :)  

DreamlandModels ( ) posted Mon, 16 December 2013 at 8:42 AM

Hi English Bob,

Try making a change to a prospective .pp2 file. Then close Poser and re-open the file. The hierarchy goes back to the order in which you imported to .obj files, unless, and I really hope this is true, I am wrong.

Poser 2012 Pro


EnglishBob ( ) posted Mon, 16 December 2013 at 8:56 AM

You're quite right, changes made this way don't survive save and reload. Listen to Phil and not to me. ;)

If I were in this situation, I'd probably be tempted to try to reorder objects by editing the PP2 file - but that's just me, and you have your project sorted out by now, I imagine..?  

DreamlandModels ( ) posted Mon, 16 December 2013 at 9:02 AM

Just uloaded for testing this morning at 3:30 :-)

There are over 50 objects in the .pp2 file on this city block so reorder in the .pp2 could get pretty sticky.


EnglishBob ( ) posted Mon, 16 December 2013 at 9:22 AM

I don't doubt it; but I imagine re-importing 50+ objects is also something you don't want to do too many times. Glad you got it sorted out, anyway. That's the main thing. Get it in the shops in time for Christmas. ;)

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