Since I have the *DISTINCT* advantage to work in Blender in Linux, I've been able to get some of the new, new, newest stuff delivered regular as clockwork to my PC via ppa. (AFAIK, there's no ppa feature for Windows, is there?) So, I've actually seem some UI improvements, ones that even the most die-hard traditional-Blender fans will have trouble to see issues with. For example, there's now a mini-tabbed interface for like the tools [T] bar (see attached).
Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2
Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand]
Metaphor of Chooks