Okay people... I didn't have much time to work on this, and it's past my bedtime, but I wanted to post another picture showing off her body texture a little bit. I took Mehndi's advice and painted on a few more freckle spots, but I'm not that satisfied with them, so I think I'm going to re-do that part, and I plan on adding a few to her face as well, just didn't get that far yet, and I SO need to do something with her fingernails, they're kind of creeping me out with that dead flesh look they have now :) Thanks again everyone for your comments, it's helping to keep me going... :) So, to give me something to work on, how 'bout some suggestions as to what make-up colors you'd like to see for her once I finalize the texture base? (The bronzy-beige-y eyeshadow is on a seperate layer, I just wanted to add some color so it didn't look so plain.) Oooh, and names would be good too, so far I've been calling her Erika, and at one point I had spelled it Aerika... but I dunno... (Sorry about the big-ish picture, but I wanted you to be able to see the detail a bit)