Forum: Bryce

Subject: Roll Call

brycetech opened this issue on Oct 19, 2013 · 86 posts

beelzebulb posted Mon, 03 March 2014 at 11:49 AM

I don't even know why I decided to look in the forums today:) boredom ??? and I came across this thread.

First let me say its nice to see some of the old timers here in this thread and HI to all of you who may remember me over the years good or bad:) Now to the bad:

Was actually shocked to see how few threads there is here now. I remember when it was a thriving and fun place but now it seems to be going the way of the program itself which is too bad. I know I like others who used to swear by Bryce am one of the ones at fault for this. Although I still use Bryce for my own enjoyment I don't post my work very often as I find it gets buried so fast and also they now archive the work so that peoples pictures good or bad are lost to most viewers. I did a search on the archives and they are not set up very well so most people won't bother. I blame rendo also for the decline since I notice the poser gallery (156 pages) is not archived at 22 pages like the bryce one. And of course the bar in the bryce gallery seems to have dropped dramatically from what I can tell by comments and ratings which are ridiculous for a lot of the crap that is posted in it now. Even some of the people who have been using bryce for years don't seem to be trying to improve themselves. It is like they now think they are "Bryce Gurus" because they get so many favorites and 5's even when they post crap. Some years ago if you posted a picture not up to snuff you got your ass handed to you. Sad situation now but that seems to be the norm in a lot of the galleries here now.

So I guess what I am saying is that we get what we deserve and thats all there is to it.