I'm working on the junction point now, where the handle will meet the cane shaft. Since there's a shape transition that occurs there, I have two choices on how to handle this part. As Airflamesred had pointed out on the previous page, these canes usually have a brass or metal "fitting" that joins the handle to the shaft, and the shaft of the cane is shaped at the tip, to conform to the fitting. I could approach this fitting as a separate bit of geometry, like a tube primitive, and just model the shaft as still another object, like a cylinder. In this model, however, I want to model all the parts as one object, then break it up for easier texturing later. So at this point, it's a good idea to weld the symmetry line, and work as a single object.
What I've done here is simply extend the border edge loop of the handle out along the XY coordinates, then use a "circularize" command to make them into a circle. This will begin the brass fitting that connects the handle to the shaft of the cane.
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