Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What clothing would you like for Roxie?

vilters opened this issue on Mar 20, 2014 · 184 posts

pumeco posted Wed, 02 April 2014 at 10:13 AM

I don't mind passing stuff on for you, Roxie, but dammit I'm changing my password, I didn't even know about that last post!!!

"Waste of time, I have a custom-built keylogger on your system and I've rigged it up to transmit to my Runtime.  I've linked each character of your password to a pose dial, so all I have to do is decode the result, I just watch those dials spin as you type it in, baby!

I can use your account whenever I feel like it.
I'm always one step ahead of you, get used to it, you're only human after all."


Ah crap ... :unsure: