Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Tutorial : “Copy Morphs from ” in Poser10, using the morph brush, and ending

vilters opened this issue on May 06, 2014 · 17 posts

DarwinsMishap posted Thu, 08 May 2014 at 7:24 AM

No problem!  I have Poser Pro 2010, but not 2014.  

As I showed, though, I start the morph brush on the body portion (So it's the entire clothing prop) and it only works on the thigh area of the right side.  It's completely confusing as to why it works on one side and not the other- the mirror option doesn't work for updating it, either.

I've named the morph on each level (L/R thigh, L/R shin, hip) the same and changed the parameters to 0 min and 1 max to prevent blowouts.

So for now, I'm stuck on how to get the morphs from M4 completely into the pants prop.


Note: I did close down Poser 10 and reboot it, reload a fresh M4 with morphs and the pants and tried again, same result...but when I loaded Genesis 2 and did the Gianni morph, then placed a Gen2 Male shirt on him, the morph brush fixed ALL the poke through as a new morph.  Insert sigh here.

I'll figure it out, hopefully.  Either that, or there's got to be another way to do this without breaking copyright laws (I don't have the tuts for that portion of making conforming clothing-yet).