Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Is there a poser script or material that will do this?

FaeMoon opened this issue on Jun 15, 2014 · 50 posts

seachnasaigh posted Mon, 16 June 2014 at 3:27 AM

     I have some trees with mesh-formed leaves, and some vines with transmapped leaves.

seach R'osity freestuff

.     I also have the leafy recliner chair and such on ShareCG.

Poser 12, in feet.  

OSes:  Win7Prox64, Win7Ultx64

Silo Pro 2.5.6 64bit, Vue Infinite 2014.7, Genetica 4.0 Studio, UV Mapper Pro, UV Layout Pro, PhotoImpact X3, GIF Animator 5