I conclude on the first speaker.
my short statement to the new webpagedesign
- dark text on dark background (prices) are not very ergonomic.
a bright background with dark font is in my eyes better (old style)
- different image sizes make me "nervous" by viewing the website
- ! the dealer link is not by the summary (like the add to cart button)
but at the top (producttitle), so i must scroll up and down because
of the product image 8-(
- i miss also the old function to "sort" by vendor in my wishlist.
- it would by nice to sort by prime products in the wishlist
Order detailpage
- on the order detailpage the product page is too close to the files to download.
a clear distance between the links would be desirable, for example
produkt page link | zip link1
| zip link2
- it would also be nice to see which files i had downloaded yet
hej då