Forum: Community Center


TinaK opened this issue on Jun 24, 2014 · 243 posts

DavidGB posted Fri, 11 July 2014 at 11:52 AM

Well, as I said in my first post in this thread, it's been my observation that website designers and the executives who hired them and approved their designs never, ever admit they were wrong. It would mean admitting and taking responsibility for a considerable waste of time and money.

The absolute killer issue for me remains only being able to see two items at a time in the marketplace (and freestuff), and all the scrolling therefore required. Other things irritate and annoy me, but that is THE issue for me. Given that the new horrendously oversized layout on the store pages is something actually listed and crowed about as an 'improvement', I haven't been expecting it to disappear (which would be an admission of a bad choice), but I've nevertheless been hoping - a triumph of hope over experience, I know - that they might quietly add a user display option that would get back to showing 6 or 8 items at a time in the space currently taken up by two if the user so chose.

Nothing so far, and my sense of hope is fading. What is NOT fading is my response to the current state of the site. I have not bought anything since the site change, and I will not buy anything until/unless the store starts showing me (with the selection of an appropriate choice if necessary - I don't mine defaults I can't stand being the defaults as long as I can choose otherwise) at least 6 items at a time (the new RuntimeDNA manages 8). And if that means I never buy anything here ever again, so be it.

And no, Renderosity - subjecting me to a veritable tsunami of multiple emails PER DAY every day of offers etc since the site change is not going to change anything except getting me sufficiently irritated I'll be unsubscribing from all the emails soon if this goes on.