shante opened this issue on Jul 15, 2014 · 50 posts
shante posted Tue, 15 July 2014 at 10:18 AM
to BB
It wasn't until I migrated...or more accurately JUMPED.....from Poser 7 into this new void of PoserPro2014, that I could even create other additional Runtime folders or external volumes to file content in.
I tried and a lot of people also tried figuring out how to create external Runtime Folders Poser 7 could rcognize w/o luck. If I can remind you here, that not long ago, a DAZ Installer on a Mac installed the content by default SOMEWHERE in the Runtime folder....not an external runtime but the Runtime folder for the Application by default. Oh, I take that back you were allowed the option of manually installing elsewhere but from within Poser 7 there was no reference or ability to access those files if not in the POSER 7 Runtime folder. If I am wrong about this now it sure won't surprise me but I think I do have this correct.
The first thing I did when I downloaded Poser Pro was install all the content that came with it which included some of the content from previous versions. The installer put the stuff SOMEWHERE by default and w/o option. I can see all that content from within Poser Pro but I can NOT rearrange the content to the Preffered way I work. So even if I can now direct Poser Pro to other Runtime Folders, or volumes and tombs or whatever, I still can't rearrange the Poser Content folder to my way of filing content or working.
The Poser7 Runtime I told PP2014 to recognize as an external runtime folder or volume, is seen but is HUGE. Since I did not delete poser 7 it is snuggled withing that application heirarchy It is the sum of collected content brought over from Poser 4.
Unless I migrate that stuff to yet another volume and direct PP2014 to recognize it, it takes forever scrolling around looking for stuff, even with my customized filing system.
A lot of the suff could be deleted but I have found even in my real life outside of Poser it isn't until I do throw something out that I suddenly find i need it and can no longer find it so I guess I have become a hoarder in both worlds.
As much as I do see your point here BB and agree, I still don't understand where the hell those files I downloaded and installed went after installation and why can't I go back in and rearrange them to my way of working. Oh, I have not installed anything into the Poser 2014 Runtime because I wasn't sure how prefering for the moment to instll them in the "external" P7 Runtime I designated for Poser 2014, but I need to streamline ALL my content and Runtimes here or I am going to go nuts scrolling on my tiny poser stage and menus looking for stuff ad nauseum. But most of all I just want to understand all this.
To Wolf:
Dude, good to see you are still in this community. I thought you fell off the grid. Thanks for voicing in here. Appreciated it. As you've read still having issues with Poser. and of course still kvetching about my inability to grasp what to many seem to be simple concepts. I hate my dead head and limited ability to understand. It is frustrating and depressing not to mention creatively stifling.But, I endeavor to perservere!