Forum: Community Center


TinaK opened this issue on Jun 24, 2014 · 243 posts

Lyne posted Sun, 20 July 2014 at 11:58 AM

To quote Ice Princess:

 have no idea WHY in the world the webmaster wants dark red, skinny sale font, instead of the golden yellow, like "Smilies" right above the reply window here.  THAT would be absolutely perfect-- not too bright, not too dark, not too unsaturated.  I wish Tina would recommend that to the webmaster, and be able to convince him.  The other option would be to keep the color but put the "Sale" font in bold, and make the font a little bit bigger.

That red, BTW, is even worse for colorblind folks getting something as a gift (I doubt many colorblind people make full-color art) Though I know such customers are an extreme rarity-- however, customers with vision problems have also complained about this.

I AGREE!!!!!!!!  And I can see something EASY TO CHANGE is being TOTALLY IGNORED... and I too am "speaking with my wallet"... ie: NOT re-newing my Prime NOR shopping much here anymore... As was said:  RDNA is really nice...AND HiveWire 3d has fantastic HIGH END products!  I will keep up my Freebie thread here because it has a following, and my gallery is very special to me, here... so I hope THE SUITS keep the forums and galleries going... But this is just NOT HOME ANYMORE!!!   :(

Life Requires Assembly and we all know how THAT goes!