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TinaK opened this issue on Jun 24, 2014 · 243 posts

DavidGB posted Fri, 08 August 2014 at 5:48 AM

Quote - Badly Floated


If you reduce the width of the browser window to around 1210 pixels or less (I'm using Firefox 31.0 on a Windows 7 system) the left and central divs no longer float side-by-side, they stack one on top of the other, left first, central second. The right div is still on the right.

N.B. I didn't actually check the page source so my comments may not be quite right, but you can see what I mean?



Yes, that's an issue that makes the search function even worse than the normal marketplace display. In the marketplace, I only see one line of two results at a time, with the first two screenful scrolls being the promoted items. In a search, first there's all the categories not on the left of the search results but above them, taking up most of the screenwidth - on every page of resullts - requring a LOT of scrolling to get down to any actual items below the categories ... and the items then appear alternating one row of two items with one row of ONE item.

This is the kind of abortion of a website design one used to get in the 90s, where people who had some moderate DTP skills ignorantly set themselves up as website designers with no understanding of HTML and CSS, and set up pages in something like the then versions of Dreamweaver, laying them out DTP WYSISWYG style, without any understanding of issues like scalability, or that users would only see their nice layout if they were using exactly the same browser at exactly the same width as the person had been who created it. I don't think I've seen a site designed so badly in this fashion since around 1999, and I do a LOT of browsing all over the web as since becoming disabled and mostly unable to leave the house I haven't got much else to do. I'd thought we were long past such appalling web design. It just beggars belief that anyone could still come up with a design like this in the twenty-teens.