the way you describe it, something has been changed. Whether that's a bug or a feature, I don't know (yet). But if you've found it, it's there, nothing to disagree about.
On the other hand, I was referring to http://www.renderosity.com/mod/forumpro/showthread.php?message_id=3669566&ebot_calc_page#message_3669566 and in there, July 8 2010, BB states "But I just did a test in Poser Pro 2010 and no matter what value I use on the the IBL image "Custom Gamma", the results are the same".
So mayby SM has the opinion that G=1.0 is the proper image setting. Maybe they found that wrong later on, fixed it, and now they decided to repair the fix. Now you ask to unbug the repair of the fix. Great :-)
in my opinion, there are so many things wrong at such an elementary level that I seriously doubt whether FF is raytracing at all, instead of just playing games with us again. Who cares.
- object reflects in a softened (blurred) reflector which reflects in a sharp reflector, then the object appears sharp. Apparently, all the raytracing is done first and all the blur is done later. Same for soft refractions, and combi's with reflection
To be retested. The workaround is to make sharp reflections / refractions and apply custom_scatter (not the easiest node to master btw) to do the blurring. Scatter and reflect/refract have no additional combi consequences on rendertime or result (just tested).
- Reflection and refraction don't work on direct light. So you can't make a spotlight shine around a corner via a mirror, refraction doesn't bend light either, and behaves opaque and so it produces far to dark shadows.
BB offered the proper (but slow) solution for the latter, which turned out to produce infinite render times when multiple objects with this setup were combined in one scene, including reflections and IDL.
These issues still exist.
- Reflection makes a bad combi with partial transparency. It does make internal reflections quite the right way but rendertimes become mindblowing. To be retested. This btw was in my opnion the reason that above workaround+test ran that slow: the workaround required partial transparency which combined the wrong way with the reflections.
- Refraction makes a bad combi with IDL. In a very simple scene rendertimes go up four-fivefold. From the tests running right now.
(just refract: 3:20 but with IDL 15:20. refract+Scatter 5:40 but with IDL: 21:00)
- Refraction had a bug, bending the light the same way twice instead of in opposite ways. As Bobbesch shows and Vilters states, this seems to be fixed (as was also stated by BB while testing the SR4, but then it appeared to be broke again, that's why I asked).
This also implies that the Fresnel node can be used again, instead of the workaround: a fresnel blend combining refraction and reflection but having different IoR's in refraction and blend.
EDIT: bug is fixed, the refraction behaves at it should in IoR changes and refractive block rotations as well. Thank you SM.
Everything else is fine, haha (not). The most crowded Poser Room still is the Room for Improvement.
have fun, thanks for sharing your thoughts
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Usually I'm wrong. But to be effective and efficient, I don't need to be correct or accurate.
visit www.aRtBeeWeb.nl (works) or Missing Manuals (tutorials & reviews) - both need an update though