vilters opened this issue on Nov 25, 2014 · 46 posts
pumeco posted Tue, 09 December 2014 at 4:20 PM
Thanks, but seriously, it's pretty much like starting from new for me regards that stuff. I can sculpt in ZBrush and then import the morph into the dev mesh, then export as a morph, but that's about as technical as I'm prepared to get :-D
Anyway, looking forward to seeing what you have, sounds like an interesting random set of stuff you've built-up over time.
Looks good as always, but she's already got a skirt and a top, but no combat pants and no hoodie!
Yeah, listen, I don't think Vilters gets why a girl needs combat pants to strap her blade to, and a hoodie to hide her face when she needs to!!!
But I've got it under control, I've got an idea!!!
Like what?
Like how I can get Vilters or Clarkie to make me the gear I need!!!
Well good luck with that, I've tried all sort of hints.
Yeah, but they have a soft spot for me so I think I know something that would work, something they can't refuse!!!
Ok, go on then.
I'll post it tomorrow, I'm listening to my beats right now, but tomorrow, Vilters or Clarkie will agree to make the required gear for me!!!
You sound very confident, you ... you ... oh never mind ... I hear music playing again :-D
I wonder what she has in store though, wow, she sounds very confident!