Title: (So do you swim here often?, by the way, where'd the boat go...?) I'm late too so I am disqualifying my self as well, but I took this when I shot that model on the beech last month. The title comes from another dive trip that I was on twere we were diving off of a "POS" held togeter with toothpicks and duct tape. (Well almost...) The boat was a really old wooden dingie, that should have been retiered about 10 years before. well anyway as we were fininshng the dive and going back to the anker sight, we stumbled upon what looked like a "recent" small ship wreck, As we got closer to investigate, we reallised that it was more recent than we though because it was ours... So I got to know this girl as we were bobing in the ocean for a while wating for one of the other boats in the aera to pick us up. -Gabe-